Mt. Vernon, Arkansas

From Our Farm to Your Table

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Family Owned & Operated

Our mission is to raise quality beef for our customers dinner tables. We are raising local food for our local communities. Come be a part of our ranch family by purchasing our quality beef.

Faith. Family. Good Food.

Our Practices

We started out as most cattlemen with using conventional agriculture practices and producing a commodity product. By conventional meaning using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides on the land, and growth implants on the cattle. We may look like a conventional ranch on the surface as we saddle up the horses to gather, sort and check cattle, but we have made a paradigm shift with our focus on improving soils and forages all while helping the environment by ranching in a regenerative way that improves soil health. We are raising cattle and poultry in tune with mother nature by gazing on forages that are improved by moving the cattle daily and fertilizing in a natural way with our cattle and poultry living out on pasture.

Our first step in a different approach to conventional methods was to start an intensive rotational grazing system rather than the continuous grazing method we were using. We then quit using chemical sprays and synthetic fertilizers as we noticed grazing in a rotational manner was more in tune with nature that mimicked migrating herds of ruminants that the deep rich soils and nutritious forages benefited from hundreds of years ago. We noticed more legumes and different varieties of grasses emerging as a result which was great for the cattle and more importantly great for the soil.

We believe that fresh local foods is a win win for not only our customers but for the environment as well. Most cattle in conventional systems get weaned off their mommas and shipped off to a sale barn were they are commingled with other cattle and then picked up and shipped to a grower yard where they will spend a few months before finally getting shipped to a feed yard several hundred miles away. In our system, our cattle spend their entire life on our ranch and the local processor that we use is only 6 miles down the road from us. We believe that keeping our cattle local not only offers our customers a great product that we put up against any store bought beef, but it also helps our local economy. Now that is a win win situation.